How to deal with academic pressure + stress 😩🥶💔

The pressure to do well in your studies can leave a serious strain on your mental health 😓😭. As a student you have to juggle 1️⃣ understanding your work 2️⃣ working through your assignments and 3️⃣ preparing for tests and exams all the while dealing with your life outside of school. 🙊🙊🙊 It is so important that you make sure you can cope with this pressure in a healthy way. ✅

In this blog post we will guide you towards support structures you can access in your daily life that can help you manage academic pressure. 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Reach out to your instructors 👩🏿‍🏫🧑🏽‍🏫👨🏻‍🏫

Your instructors, whether they are teachers, lecturers or tutors, have seen many students go through the ups and downs of academic pressure and stress. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

They have seen hundreds of students go through this in class. 📔

They know what is likely to stress students out, where they struggle, and they know how to help students cope. 👥

Don’t let all this knowledge go to waste. 🧠

Chat to your instructors after class, set up a meeting with them or email them explaining that you are stressed and struggling to cope. 📩🗣

Your instructor will be able to offer you specific advice related to the class, and may also be able to refer you to additional support structures (such as extra tutoring 🧑🏿‍🏫 or mental health support 🚑)

Talk to people who have been in a similar situation ❤️❤️❤️

You are not the first student to be stressed. Lots of people who took this class before you might have found it as stressful as you do (or even more). 🙆🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️

Find an older students who already passed this class (preferably ones who did really well) and ask them for advice. 🙏🏿🗣

Ask them what specifically helped them pass the class ✅, how they managed their time ⏰, how they coped with the academic pressure🧑🏼‍🎓, and what resources they used to study. 📝

Get as much specific information as you can, and try their methods in your day to day schedule.

Connect with peers 🧑🏾‍🎓👨🏿‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓

Not only have people already gone through this class - but there are other students like you going through this class right now! 🙋🏿‍♀️😮‍💨

They are also experiencing pressure, stress, worry and anxiety just like you. Talk to them about it.

Ask them how they are are coping (or not coping) and find ways to help each other get through what you are dealing with .

Just knowing that you are not alone can be a huge relief and helping someone else cope can be a good way to help yourself as well. 🧘🏾‍♂️🧘🏿‍♀️🧘🏽

Sending hugs and strength. You got this. 💛🤖

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